Another day...right? No!!! It's my birthday!! Why am I excited? I mean, after all, I am getting does get to be just another day. But let me let you in on a little secret to my's been a long hard road getting here. It's been a journey. I've had customers asked how I knew this is what I wanted to do...actually, one asked me today. So, I'll fill you in. Welcome to my world...
As a little girl, I LOVED fashion. Always. I remember my first pair of Jordache jeans. Pretty Sad. We were by no means dirt poor, but we were sure not rich either. I remember the "rich" girls at school, or the ones who thought they were, wearing the more expensive brands. I wore the cute ones. I picked them out carefully. Matched to a t. Shoes, jewels, all of it. I may not of had the most expensive, but I can remember, I was the more stylish. That's where my being different comes in. Love it! My parents did the best they could and I love them for that. I began working when I was 13. Washing dishes at a local, very country restaurant named Bob's kitchen. Me and my best friend. She was the cook! Seriously!....Saved my money so I could buy clothes at a store called GG's. They had the coolest stuff.....And you bet your bottom I saved up and got me some glittery belts, Guess Jeans, penny loafers and all the "In" stuff. I remember thinking I wanted to own a store just like it! Kept working.....worked during high school at the local newspaper, The Gateway Beacon/Times Georgian....Learned to use my creative side there building and creating ads. (Thank you Debbie!) Thought that someday I would go into journalism, advertising, write fashion articles. An outlet in a small town. Then comes college....along with a little too much "sorority" fun;) I took business classes, finance. Started working in Atlanta at a major corporation. Worked my way to the top as far as I could. Started taking "fashion forward" classes. Remember...I'm in downtown Atlanta. Very different from my hometown with one red light.... Okay....skip forward.....Business/finance degree is where I'm at when I meet my now husband. What happens? Drop my dreams of being a being a major buyer or opening my own store, marriage, children and life takes over.....I find out that motherhood is fabulous. Wouldn't change it for the world. I have three children of my own, and one stepson that I consider my own. So I have four children....Now the ride begins.
Are you ready???
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